Sunday, October 05, 2008

Getting students involved in an EFL Class blog

Participants in WebTools4Educators are really moving forward on the tasks this week about blogging. In the forum and on their blogs, participants have asked for some ideas on how to get students more involved in their class blogs.

I wanted to share some ideas that have worked in my classes. First, the blog should be an integral part of the course. Also, the posts should be interesting and use a variety of media (photos, audio, text, etc.). If possible, use the class blog as a place to make connections and start conversations with people outside of the classroom. In this flowgram, I've narrated a few examples from my class' blogs. I know that other teachers have other ideas and other examples, so please share them! Looking forward to sharing more ideas on how to get students more involved in the class blog! Update: Unfortunately, Flowgram is no longer online and I lost the data for this presentation.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks for sharing your presentation. I haven't viewed a flowgram before; is it easy to use? They sure look great!

Mary H said...

Hi Claire!
Thanks for visiting and checking out the presentation. This was the first time for me to use flowgram and it was very easy to use!

testecarla said...

Dear Marysita,

Thanks for being such a wonderful friend and special guest in my group. They just loved the interaction, and your flowgram was an awesome and very effective treat for beginner bloggers.

You gave great ideas for the blogging classroom that anyone could try. Collaborative blogging efforts don't need to be grand, they just need to spark learners' interest in dialoguing, questioning, right?
